Funga Farm Gateway Symbolism

Mushrooms are a Gateway.

Meat production is resource-intensive, puts pressure on our planet, and subsequently, our lives. The need for new, more sustainable, but also interesting, alternatives has never been more important worldwide.

Mushrooms are a little nutrient powerhouse with inherent umami, ‘meaty’ characteristics, that leave a significantly lower ‘foodprint’ on our planet. At Funga Farm, we celebrate this natural wonder and believe that mushrooms are a gateway to a more sustainable future.

Our drive and passion is rooted in the study of mycology and how it can benefit both people and the planet. This fosters our culture and will to never stop learning, innovating, and pushing boundaries. Urban mushroom farming is a new emerging field, and one that we aim to pioneer in Denmark with our exciting and sustainable craft mushrooms.


“We celebrate this natural wonder and believe that mushrooms are a gateway to a more sustainable future.”


Our definition of ‘craft’ follows a belief that shortcuts do not always get you where you want to be faster. Rather it requires a thorough examination and attention to detail in every step from spawning to finished mushroom. This allows us to enhance the quality and personality of our mushrooms beyond comparison, and as a result, have a bigger chance to positively impact our planet.

Because lets be honest, shit mushrooms wont help shift the paradigm!

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